Zimbabwe Tobacco Association

Representing Zimbabwean Growers of flue-cured tobacco since 1928

Kutsaga Tobacco Field Discussion Day

January 18, 2024

Kutsaga extends an invitation to all tobacco growers to attend an enlightening and informative field discussion day at the Kutsaga Research Station. This event aims to bring together experts, scientists, and tobacco farmers to share insights, knowledge, and advancements in tobacco cultivation techniques.

ZTA members receive gum tree seedlings from Forestry Commission

January 18, 2024

In a significant move towards boosting sustainable agriculture and eco-friendly tobacco curing practices, the Forestry Commission of Zimbabwe (FCZ) in the Madziwa area, Mashonaland Central, recently handed over 10,000 gum tree seedlings to local ZTA tobacco farmer members. This initiative is a part of a broader ongoing effort to promote environmentally responsible tobacco curing methods…

Climate-smart practices to mitigate tobacco yield losses in a drought year

November 30, 2023

By Dr S. Dimbi and Dr F. Magama The current weather forecasts indicate a transition into an El Niño state in the second half of 2023 and Zimbabwe is among the countries at risk of dry conditions. Considering the significant impact that water stress has on agricultural production, this article is aimed at highlighting cultural…

Agronomy Notes – Achieving Yield 2015-16 season

October 27, 2023

The past season has been particularly difficult for most growers. Prices were static and yields static or down. This means therefore, that most people will be starting next season “on the back foot”. Often growers look for the “magical bullet” to improve their situation. This might be a new variety, fertilizer, a chemical, perhaps a…

False Fire Worm Alert

September 8, 2023

 Pest Biology   The Kutsaga Plant Clinic has received a growing number of false wire worm cases in the past week. Wireworms are the larval stage of several species of “click” beetles. There are two sub-categories of wireworms; True wireworms which belong to the family Elateridae and False wireworms belonging to the family Tenebrionidae (Fig 1…

2022/23 record tobacco crop produced

August 3, 2023

The TIMB is driving Zimbabwe’s tobacco industry to purposefully implement the Tobacco Value Chain Transformation Plan (TVCTP) and work towards attaining 300 million kg of tobacco and a USD 5 billion dollar industry by 2025. Zimbabwe is on track to achieving the set target of tobacco by 2025. To date, 295 million kg of tobacco…

National Sale : Showcase for finest cattle across breeds

July 28, 2023

The annual event that is the National Sale has come and gone. Without doubt, it is the cattle industry’s premier annual event and this year, the 55th sale did not disappoint. As per tradition, the auction began after a welcome by Zimbabwe Herd Book (ZHB) chairman, John Crawford. A minute’s silence was held to remember…

ITGA President calls on Government to defend tobacco growers

June 28, 2023

Tobacco growers should be protected, and the defence of the sector needs to be taken very seriously by governments of tobacco growing countries. We need their commitment as recognition for the efforts being made by growers every day. José Javier Aranda, president of the International Tobacco Growers Association (ITGA), made the call during his keynote…

ITGA 2023 Africa Regional Meeting

June 27, 2023

Tobacco central to African producers’ economies Growers’ representatives from four of the leading tobacco producing markets in Africa – Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe – met in Harare, Zimbabwe for the International Tobacco Growers’ Association (ITGA) 2023 Africa Regional Meeting. Participants requested the support of their governments in the face of multiple threats affecting tobacco…

ZTA President’s message to Congress

June 26, 2023

Seasonal review: 63rd Annual Congress Past ZTA Presidents, current Vice-Presidents, ZTA Trustees, ZTA councillors, the ZTA Executive, ITGA President Jose Aranda, ITGA CEO Mercedes Vasquez, ITGA Market Analyst Manager Ivan Genov, TIMB Board members, CEO and their representatives here present, TRB Board members, CEO and their representatives here present, Tobacco Leaf Exporters Association of Zimbabwe…

Formed in 1928, the Zimbabwe Tobacco Association (ZTA) has represented tobacco producers for nearly a century. It aims to promote and sustainably develop our flue-cured tobacco industry, whilst advancing and protecting the interests of all sections and classes of producers.

Not only does the ZTA represent grower concerns and views on all tobacco-related issues locally; but it is also a founding member of the International Tobacco Growers Association (ITGA).

All of the country’s tobacco-growing districts have representation through the association’s regular Councillors’ Meetings.