Zimbabwe Tobacco Association
Representing Zimbabwean Growers of flue-cured tobacco since 1928
ZTA Statement on RBZ Forex Retention Reduction
The ZTA is deeply concerned about the RBZ’s decision to reduce the forex retention threshold for exporters, and by extension, tobacco growers. Read our statement below
ZTA President’s year-end message
Dear Valued Member As the year draws to a close, many will look back on 2024 with mixed feelings. All too often I’ve heard it said that it is a year that we wish to put behind us and move on, for various reasons. Last season saw much needed price increases on the floors but…
Celebrating 40 years of the International Tobacco Growers’ Association
Today, 26 November 2024, marks the 40th anniversary of the International Tobacco Growers’ Association (ITGA). The ITGA is an organisation that has served as a dedicated advocate and global platform for tobacco farmers since its inception in 1984. The ITGA was established by the six leading tobacco-exporting countries at the time (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Malawi,…
ITGA Grower Survey
Dear growers, your assistance is sought in completing the International Growers Association, (ITGA) Growers Survey. This is being undertaken to help advance the interests of tobacco growers on the global stage (it should only take around eight minutes of your time).This is a very important initiative for the tobacco growing community and your participation is…
Stalk destruction deadline extended: Essential for disease control
The Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development under the Department of Research and Specialist Services, sends out annual reminders to all tobacco producers in Zimbabwe to destroy their tobacco stalks before the mandated date of May 15 of each season. This is essential for disease control. The deadline has been extended to…
A spotlight on issues critical to tobacco production with the Kutsaga Research Board circus meetings
A spotlight on issues critical to tobacco production with the Kutsaga Research Board circus meetingsThe Kutsaga Tobacco Research Board is hosting a series of meetings on subjects critical to the continued innovation and sustainable practices in the tobacco industry. Here’s a snapshot of what attendees can look forward to: Unveiling Current Research: An Overview by…
Kutsaga Executive Appointment
The Chairman and Board of Directors of the Tobacco Research Board (trading as Kutsaga) are delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs. Rhoda Mavuka as the inaugural Executive Director of the Productionand Operations sector. This appointment is with effect from 02 April 2024. Mrs. Rhoda Mavuka is an experienced tobacco scientist who has worked at…
ITGA 2024 Americas Regional Meeting
ITGA 2024 Americas Regional Meeting discusses COP10 conclusions with a focus on Brazil Tobacco growers’ associations from Argentina, Brazil and the United States took part in the meeting hosted by Afubra, with a high level of participation from different entities in the tobacco supply chain
Tobacc sales kick off amidst concern for prices and grower viability
The 2024 marketing season has started after a difficult growing season. On Wednesday, 13 March, the Vice President of Zimbabwe, Hon. Gen. (rtd) Dr CGDN Chiwenga officiated at the event that marks the opening of the annual selling season. The first bale went for USD 4.92/kg but this ticket was reportedly “torn” with the seller…
ITGA Conclusions of WHO FCTC COP10
Lack of transparency, intimidation and pressure marked the WHO FCTC COP10 The tenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP10) to the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) was an inflection point for many issues that the International Tobacco Growers’ Association (ITGA) has been voicing serious concerns for quite some…
Formed in 1928, the Zimbabwe Tobacco Association (ZTA) has represented tobacco producers for nearly a century. It aims to promote and sustainably develop our flue-cured tobacco industry, whilst advancing and protecting the interests of all sections and classes of producers.
Not only does the ZTA represent grower concerns and views on all tobacco-related issues locally; but it is also a founding member of the International Tobacco Growers Association (ITGA).
All of the country’s tobacco-growing districts have representation through the association’s regular Councillors’ Meetings.